St Mary's Holy Assumption
Orthodox Church
141 Den Rd, Stamford, CT 06903
Bulletin March 17, 2019

St. Mary’s Holy Assumption Orthodox Church

141 Den Road

Stamford, CT 06903

March 17, 2019

Epistle:1 Hebrews 11: 24-26, 32-12:2     Sunday of Orthodoxy

 Gospel: John 1: 43-51

Coffee Hour Hostesses

Please see Nana Tashishvili if you can volunteer to sponsor a coffee hour.


Church Services

Wed., Mar. 20…5:30 PM General Confession; 6PM Pre-Sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten Supper and Spiritual Discussion.

Fri., Mar.22 at 6PM… Panihida

Sat., Mar.23… Vespers at 6PM

Sun., Mar.24  Divine Liturgy at 10AM

Mon., Mar. 25 The Annunciation… Vesperal Liturgy at 10 AM

Special Lenten Offering

A special Lenten Offering envelope is included in today’s bulletin.

These  offerings are used for the church wine, candles and other necessities for Great Lent.


2019 Annual Assessment ( dues)

A motion to raise the annual assessment from $250 t0 $300 as of 2019 was passed at the Annual Church  Meeting.

It has been more than 15 years since the amount of the assessment has been raised. This increase will help a little to pay for the increasing costs of maintaining our church. Please check with Jerry Kushmerick, the Church Treasurer, to see if your 2018 assessment has been paid.






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