St Mary's Holy Assumption
Orthodox Church
141 Den Rd, Stamford, CT 06903
Bulletin July 15, 2012

St. Mary’s Holy Assumption Orthodox Church
141 Den Road
Stamford, CT 06903
Rectory 203-329-9933
July 15, 2012

Epistle: Galatians 1: 11-19
Gospel: John 10: 1-9

Coffee Hour Hostesses
July 15 Valentina Stolyar
July 22 Kamilla Izkenderova and Maria Dorozynska
July 29 Natalia Gagua and Eka Leserra
Aug. 4 Volunteers needed
Aug. 11 Volunteers needed

Church Services
Sat., July 21 Vespers at 6PM
Sun., July 22 Divine Liturgy at 10AM
Wed. Aug. 1 Dormition Fast Begins

Church Cleaning
Many thanks to those people who help clean the Church after Services.  However, we need many more volunteers so that the same people don't have to do it every Sunday.  It only takes a little of one's time to vacuum and do a few light chores to prepare the church for the next service.

In Memory of Mildred McNamara
Enis Kulik, Eunice B. Hawran, Mr. and Mrs. Lenda, Gary and Michelle Cortese

Parish Administration Notes
The Financial Committee is checking the Parishioner list to come up with the exact number of members.  Please check with the Treasurer if you are not sure if your assessment of $250 per capita is paid through 2011.

If your home address has changed within the past 2 years, be sure to check at the desk if it has been changed.

Donna Erickson will now take the office of Secretary of the Church Council replacing our former Secretary, Marcy Briggs, who has moved to South Carolina.

The chimney on the Church is now being replaced.  There were many cracks caused by the weather conditions over the years. This is a project which cannot be put off because of safety reasons. The cost of this job will be $4,400.

Troika Fair
On Oct.26 and 27 we will have the Troika Fair. Please mark your calendar.  This fundraiser can be very profitable depending on how many people volunteer to help.  Our biggest profit comes from the sale of ethnic foods and baked goods.  More details on how one can help will be forthcoming.
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