St Mary's Holy Assumption
Orthodox Church
141 Den Rd, Stamford, CT 06903
See today's Feast and Saints here

See today's Scripture Readings here

Complete Monthly Calendar of Services
Easter Services Schedule

Apr. 26 Lasarus Saturday Vespers 6 PM. Вечерняя Лазеревой Субботы

Apr. 27 Lasarus Saturday Divine Liturgy 10 AM. Лазерева Суббота, Литургия

            Palm Sunday Verspers 6 PM. Blessing of palms and pussywillows. Вечерняя Вербного Воскресения, освящение верб.

Apr. 28 Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy 10 AM followed by special Lenten luncheon. Everyone is welcome to attend!

            Вербное Воскресение, Литургия и праздничая трапеза. Приглашаем всех!

May 2 Holy Thursday 6 PM Reading of The Passion Gospels. Ведикий Четверг, 12 Евангелий

May 3 Holy Friday 5 PM Great Vespers and Burial. Страсная Пятница, Великая Вечерняя, вынос Плащаницы

May 4 Holy Saturday 11:30 PM Midnight Service. Всеночное бдение, Пасхальный Крестный Ход

May 5 Holy Pascha Divine Liturgy 10 AM. Пасхальная Литургия

May 17  Bright Monday Divine Liturgy 10 AM. Светлый Понедельник, Литургия

Paschal food  will be blessed (освящение пасхальных снедей):

May 4 at 3 PM, 6 PM, and after Devine Liturgy on Sunday, May 5

Regular Schedule of Services.
10:00am - Divine Liturgy
6:00pm - Vespers

Fist Saturday of the month - general confession after Vespers


Eve of Feast
6:00pm - Vespers


10:00am - Divine Liturgy
BULLETINS - click on image to open bulletin

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