St Mary's Holy Assumption
Orthodox Church
141 Den Rd, Stamford, CT 06903
Lenten Services Schedule

Weekly Lenten services. Еженедельные великопостные службы.

Wednesdays Mar 12, 19, 26, Apr. 2, 9   5:30 PM general confession. Oбщая исповедь; 6 PM Pre-Sanctified Liturgy followed by Lenten supper. Литургия преждесвященных даров, по окончании> постный ужин.

Saturdays Mar 15, 22, 29, Apr. 5            5 PM Panikhida. Панихида. 6 PM Vespers. Вечерняя служба

Sundays   Mar 16, 23, 30, Apr. 6            10 AM Liturgy of St. Basil The Great. Литургия Василия Великого

Annunciation Of the Holy Theotokos. Благовещение Пресвятой Богородицы

Mar 25 10 AM: Vesperal Liturgy. Литургия

Lasarus Saturday. Лазарева Суббота

Apr. 9 10 AM: Vesperal Liturgy. Литургия

Palm Sunday. Вербное Воскресенье

Apr. 9 6 PM:Vespers followed by blessing of pussywillows and palms. Вечерняя служба, по окончании, освящение верб.

Apr. 13  10 AM Divine Liturgy. Божественная Литургия.

Passion Week. Страстная неделя.

Apr. 17 6 PM. Greate and Holy Thursday, reading of 12 Gospels. Великий Четверг, чтение 12 Евангелий.

Apr. 18 5 PM. Holy Friday, Vespers of Holy Friday, plaschanitsa procession. Страстная Пятница, вынос плащаницы

Apr. 19 10 AM. Liturgy of St. Basil the Great. Литургия Василия Великого


See today's Feast and Saints here

See today's Scripture Readings here

Complete Monthly Calendar of Services
Regular Schedule of Services.
10:00am - Divine Liturgy
6:00pm - Vespers

Fist Saturday of the month - general confession after Vespers


Eve of Feast
6:00pm - Vespers


10:00am - Divine Liturgy
BULLETINS - click on image to open bulletin

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